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Monday, May 2, 2016

New APK Market iMarketApk » ExDialer PRO Dialer amp Contacts v191

ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191

Requirements [New] APK Market iMarketApk » ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191 [Torrent Modded apk] Free APK are available on every other topic you can think of in both fiction and non-fiction of. There are free Android APK available for adults and children and even between and teenagers. It may seem overwhelming to find and download [android apk] Hack no survey [New] APK Market iMarketApk » ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191 ҩ MOD but with the steps below youll be just minutes away from getting APK.: 2.1 and up - Overview about ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191

Full Download MOd [New] APK Market iMarketApk » ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191 and Torrent Link

: May be the best smart dialer in android market. Totally Free, NO AD, No network access.

Free APK ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191

☆Super easy-to-use

☆Fast and smooth

☆Extra light-weight

☆Smart T9 algorithm

☆30+ languages

☆Directly call/text to someone by swiping left/right

☆Various themes and plugins

☆Recommended by (Download Url)

CAUTION: Its dangerous to uninstall/disable stock contacts app, which is required to make emergency calls (911 etc.)! Test calling emergency services firstly, before you start using this app!

This is a trial version with 7 days trial period. When the trial period expired, you will be asked to buy PRO version. You can still keep trying if you havent decided to buy.

Help to translate to your language, please visit Download Url

▌Useful Skills

• Long press the contacts button(at left-bottom corner of dialer view) to quick access favorites

• Dial "#" key to perform phone number searching

• Dial "*" key to display list of most frequently contacted contacts

• Swipe contact item left or right, to send SMS or make a call directly

▌Supported VoIP apps

• System SIP client

• Skype

• Viber

• Fring

• MobileVOIP

• GrooVe IP

• Acrobits Softphone

• Media5-fone

• UppTalk

• Rynga

• Bria

• Microsoft Lync


• ConnectVibrate

Performs vibrate notification when outgoing call connected or call disconnected

• xMissedCall

Help exDialer to grant ability to clear missed call notifications

• Shortcut

Customize icons of exDialer by creating shortcuts

• Geocoder

Provides the location information of phone numbers

▌Known Issues

• Missed call notifications remained

> Try "xMissedCall Patch" or "xMissedCall Plugin" if your phone is rooted.

• Unable to select SIM card ID when make a call on phones with Dual SIM cards.

> Android SDK does not support Dual SIM cards. So, I have no way to solve this problem until Google release new SDK which supports Dual SIM cards.


English, Chinese, Polish, Greek, Chinese Traditional, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Danish, Czech, Hebrew, Slovene, Persian, Bulgarian, Italian, Georgian, Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Norwegian, Arabic, Latvian, Croatian, Slovak, Dutch, Korean, Serbian, Belarusian, Estonian


Excellent MiUI rom Download Url

thinkpanda team


Translators on Crowdin Download Url

Piotrek Paszek --- Polish

dancer_69 --- Greek

Kayusumi --- Chinese Traditional

Filipe Garcia --- Portuguese

hopler --- Spanish

Илья Яковлев & Илья и Ася --- Russian

TweetyPeety --- German

scrpn30 --- French

Neo3000x --- Danish

crking --- Czech

0ftal --- Hebrew

gepardus --- Slovene

Alireza Afkar --- Persian

Стоян Иванов, Димитър Димитров --- Bulgarian

stegg, Alex --- Italian

giorgi-alonso --- Georgian

Özgürce --- Turkish

Turdo D. --- Romanian

Indiant --- Hungarian

alienyd --- Vietnamese

distan7 --- Indonesian

MariusOX --- Norwegian

machhho --- Arabic

janni_mz --- Latvian

Mihovil Stanic --- Croatian

pRo_lama --- Slovak

Planet X --- Dutch

dusttea, Sang Gu Bach --- Korean

Marko Kostic, Zoran Mihajlović --- Serbian

Ivan Katlianik --- Belarusian

iff2 --- Estonian

Ігор Омельчук --- Ukrainian

Vladimir Zemlianskij a.k.a sait0n --- Lithuanian

Eduard Babayan(edo248) --- Armenian

Tmallafre --- Catalan

All guys in XDA forum who give me great suggestions

Keywords: phone,dialer,dial,contacts,contact,theme,smart dialer,T9,pinyin,miui,quick dial,speed dial

Whats New


+Optimization on T9 performance


+Add option "Tint System Bars" (KitKat+). Turn if off if you dont like colored system bars or it conflicts with your ROM.


+Get back old Crystal theme (renamed to "Crystal Simp")

+Fix: graphic bug when translucent theme applied, on android version 3.0-4.2

+Improvement on new stock themes


+Improve details of Lollipop theme

+Update Crystal theme to Lollipop style

+New app icons

+Fix: some bugs

Release Info:

Pro features unlocked

This app has no advertisements

More Info ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191

You can directly download the apk file with torent modded or just in iMarketApk

Android APK Files [New] APK Market iMarketApk » ExDialer PRO - Dialer & Contacts v191 Full And No Hack No Survey No ROOT


Download Instructions:

Download Url


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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Communicating in the Information Age

In case you didnt know we had quite a bit of snow last night in the Northeast. As I was outside in the bone-chilling cold shoveling piles of snow I began to reflect upon how my professional practice has changed in a few short years when it comes to snow days.  Typically in the past I would have received a phone call compliments of a meticulously developed phone chain.  The only problem was that if one person missed their call then the chain was broken. This fact of life posed quite the problem for many years.  In my early years I often misplaced the snow chain or my wife would throw it out accidentally. Talk about throwing a wrench into the system.  Thankfully technology came to the rescue and I wised up by saving it on my computer. I had a bit of a paper addiction that had to be overcome. 

Image credit:

Fast forward to 2014 and my district, like many others, now uses an automated notification service.  Talk about convenience. I now, like everyone else in the district, receive a pushed out call with a message that district leadership develops. This message is then delivered by a polite robotic voice basically telling me that I can sleep in if I wish or spend the day slaving over my snow shovel.  Now dont get me wrong, this service is great, but like anything in life it is not full-proof or the preferred way to receive the information.  There is also a cost associated with any service like this.  

Now here is the part of my night yesterday after receiving the snow day call that I left out.  Without hesitation I immediately went to my computer and sent out the news using the NMHS social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) as well as pushing the notice out using the official school app developed by Beeonics.  To some this might seem a bit redundant, but in reality I am covering all of my bases to ensure that my stakeholders get the information. In my opinion the "Information Age" demands this now. 

As a digital leader I can no longer assume that an automated telephone call will reach everyone.  With all of the free social media tools we have at our fingertips today it is important that we leverage them in a variety of situations to get information out to our stakeholders.  We now live in the "Information Age" where access is 24/7. People routinely consume information on a variety of devices in an array of places.  Virtually every other profession has not only acknowledged this fact, but has seized on the opportunity to provide the information that potential consumers want using a multifaceted social media strategy.  Education and schools have been notoriously slow when it comes to adjusting to changes in society.  This no longer has or should be the case.

In my opinion schools need to embrace a new vision for school communications both externally and internally. We need to think about how we also provide information in real-time to our most important stakeholder group - students. In turn, think about how our students then communicate information related to learning and school culture with each other as well as members of the community.  Here are a few tips and ideas that have worked well for NMHS over the years:

  • Create a school Twitter and Facebook page. Make sure information is updated consistently
  • Have a company develop a school app or have your students create one
  • Develop, use, and promote a school hash tag that can be used across multiple platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+). We use a school hash tag (#NMHS) as well as one that our Digital Journalism students created for their class (#NMHSdigijourn)
  • Use a Google Doc for student announcements that cab be accessed through a school website and pushed out using social media
  • Create QR codes and place around the building. Information is then just one click away for a variety of stakeholders
  • Move from a tradition school newspaper to a digital version
  • Begin using ZippSlip, a tool for going paperless
Give your stakeholders options when it comes to accessing and receiving information related to your school. Even though snail mail and even email still has its place in a school communications plan we must press forward with the use of digital technologies to increase authentic engagement with our stakeholders.  So what did I miss?  Please feel free to add other ways you have enhanced school communications to align with the Information age in the comments section below.
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Friday, April 22, 2016

Apps and Social Media in the Classroom

It is springtime at New Milford High School and new ideas are flourishing.  Teachers are consistently empowered and given the autonomy to take calculated risks without the fear of failure to enhance the teaching and learning process.  The end result is that our students benefit from lessons that combine sound pedagogy with the effective integration of technology. Below are two highlights from the month of April.

In support of the school’s BYOD initiative, Mrs. Chellani has recently discovered and integrated a new app called Socrative, a free, online polling tool.  This app allows students to respond to questions the teacher asks in class via their smart phone, providing an alternate means for students to participate in class.  The results are displayed on the SMART Board through the Socrative website to facilitate discussion.  Additionally, this app serves as another way for Mrs. Chellani to formally assess her students in a differentiated and technologically advanced fashion. 

Students in Mr. Devereauxs AP Biology class are creating social media accounts for the immune system.  Using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Tumblr, the students need to narrate a day in the life of the immune system.  They have been finding creating ways of using hash tags, mentions, pictures, videos, and various other ways to infuse their projects with relevant, accurate, and interactive content illustrating how the immune system works.  Check out Mr. Devereauxs website by the end of the week to see some student examples.

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Monday, April 18, 2016

How to split the iPad keyboard in two

How to split the iPad keyboard iPad tip: How to split the keyboard in twoEver tried typing on your iPad’s keyboard with your thumbs while holding the iPad in your hands? Talk about awkward.
Well, there’s an easy way to make the iPad’s keyboard a lot more thumb-friendly: by splitting it in two.
A simple gesture is all it takes, provided you’ve got a key (no pun intended) setting enabled.
Here’s how…

  • Tap Settings, then tap General, scroll down the page a bit, and then tap Keyboard. Scroll down to the “Split Keyboard” setting and make sure it’s set to “On.”
  • Press the Home key, then pull up the iPad keyboard in any app you wish (such as, say, Safari).
  • Now, tap and hold the keyboard with two fingers—one on each side of the keyboard—and spread your fingertips apart. As you do, the keyboard will split in half.
  • Want to make the keyboard whole again? Just tap and hold each half of the keyboard with two fingers and push them back together.
Originally here
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The Right Way is Your Way

I have read some very thought-provoking posts and associated commentary over the past couple of weeks focusing on how particular educators use social media.  What I have found interesting is the powerful opinions as to how one should use social media.  I think it is great that so many people have focused opinions on what social media should, could, or should not be with a considerable emphasis on specific dos and donts.  These specific methods and techniques work for them and it is important that all of us have some sense as to the why and how when it comes to our own social media use.  It is these opinions that always force me to reflect on my own use, objectives, and goals.

Image credit:

To make things clear there is no guidebook out there that educators must abide by when it comes to using social media.   Social media is like the "Wild West" in that there are no overbearing rules, which is why I love it so much.  I can be brief if I want to.  I can comment on a post or tweet if I want to.  I can share something if and when I want to.  I can follow or unfollow whoever I want at any time.  I can recommend educators to follow if I want to.  Heck, I can post pictures of my kids if I want to.  The only firm rule I would encourage all educators to follow is to use common sense when posting to the Internet and always remember your role as an educator in the community you serve. Everything else is basically up to you and your specific preferences.

This has led me to think about how I use a myriad of social media tools with Twitter being my main go to resource.  To put it simply here is how I use social media as an educational administrator and learner:

  • Acquire, share, and curate resources
  • Discussion forum and engage in conversations of professional interest
  • Elicit feedback on ideas and initiatives I launch at my school
  • Support
  • Ask questions and receive answers
  • Track conferences
  • Digital newspaper
  • Connect with practitioners as well as experts in the field of education
  • Build, cultivate,and interact with a Personal Learning Community (PLN) to grow professionally and do what I do better
  • Promote my work and the work of others
  • Share the great things my students and teachers are doing
  • Public relations
  • Enhance communications
Is there a right or wrong way to use social media? I personally dont think so.  The beauty and power of social media is that it is adaptable to fit our particular needs and goals at a given time.  As our goals and needs change our use of social media will evolve.  My point here is that any way an educator decides to use social media is the right way. What are your thoughts on this? Should there be specific rules or guidelines for educators to follow in online spaces?
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Sunday, April 17, 2016

How To Play YouTube Videos In The Background On iOS 7

Some might remember a time when YouTube was an built-in app on iOS devices – you could play YouTube videos in the background, thereby allowing you to use other apps (or turn the screen off) while still being able to listen to the audio of the YouTube clips.
YouTube Background
Then iOS 6 came along and YouTube was removed and became an app in the iTunes App Store – as a result, the background playback feature was also removed. On iOS 7, however, there is actually a simple workaround, and that’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in this quick tutorial today.

Play YouTube In The Background On iOS 7

Instead of using the YouTube app, use Safari and navigate to any YouTube clip and hit the Play button.
Safari YouTube
Now, if you want to use other apps while having the YouTube video play in the background, just tap on the Home button to go to your homescreen.
When you’re on your homescreen, swipe up to launch the Control Center and tap on the Play/Pause button. You’ll now be able to listen to the audio of that YouTube video you selected earlier and use other apps at the same time.
YouTube Control
You can also tap on your device’s power button to turn off the screen and still listen to the audio of that YouTube clip.

Via hongkiat
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Saturday, April 16, 2016

How to clear the saved searches in your “Web History”

How to turn off your Google Web history Google tip: How to clear the saved searches in your Web History
Here’s a question for you: When you search on Google, are you also signed in to Google? If so, there’s a good chance Google is saving a so-called “Web History” of each and every one of your searches, stretching back for months or even years.
I checked my own Google account and found that Google has saved nearly 30,000 of my prior searches, plus a record of the links I clicked based on those search results, stretching as far back as 2006.
Delete individual Google Web History items Google tip: How to clear the saved searches in your Web History
Your Web History contains a comprehensive list or all your Google searches, potentially stretching back years—and yes, you can delete some or all of your searches.

Believe it or not, I can tell you that on December 29, 2007 at exactly 4:51 p.m., I did a Google search on “new years smith street brooklyn”—probably because I was hunting for a good place to spend New Year’s Eve.
In addition to the enormous list of searches, your Web History also boasts a color-coded calendar that shows which days of the week you’re doing the most searching.
And since your Google Web History is (of course) itself searchable, it makes for a handy (if, perhaps, a bit unsettling) way to find an interesting web page that’s since slipped your mind.
Now, don’t like the idea of Google saving your searches? Well, good news and bad news.
Good news first: not only can you stop Google from saving your searches in your Web History, you can also delete your Web History selectively or entirely.
The bad news? Zapping your Google web history doesn’t wipe out every last trace of your past Google searches.
Indeed, Google (like many other search engines) may share the search and usage data stored on its servers with various “partners,” advertisers, or even law enforcement. Food for thought, particularly in light of the recent PRISM controversy.
Turn off Google Web History button Google tip: How to clear the saved searches in your Web History
You can stop Google from saving searches in your Web History, but that doesn’t mean Google isn’t still keeping records of your search activity.

So, ready to check out your Web History? Let’s get started…
  • Sign in to your Google account, click your user icon in the top-right corner of the page, click Account, then scroll all the way down and click the “Manage your web history” link. You can also just click this link:
  • You should now be looking at your personal Web History as Google sees it—interesting stuff, actually. You can browse your history using the navigation links to the left (anything from “Web” and “Images” to “Shopping” and “Maps), or by clicking the calendar on the right. The days on the calendar are color-coded based on your search activity, with the darker-blue dates representing the days you searched the most often.
  • See anything in your Web History that you’d like to delete? If so, click the checkbox next to the item and click the “Remove items” button.
  • Want to delete everything in your Web History? Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page, select Settings, then click the “delete all” link.
  • Want Google to stop tracking your searches in your Web History? Go back to the Settings page, then click the “Turn off” button. (Yes, you can always come back later and turn your web history back on.)
    How to clear the saved searches in your “Web History”
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    Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    The best virtual keyboard for Android Better Keyboard 8 v8 9

    Better Keyboard 8 v8.9 (Unlocked Gingerbread Edition) for Android OS 1.5 - 2.3
    Better Keyboard 8 v8.9

    Better keyboard 8.x
    - True multi-touch (*Android 2.0 or higher required)
    - Enhanced dictionary
    - Enhanced look & feel
    - Enhanced popup keyboard

    Other features of Better keyboard:

    - Multiple keyboard layouts (*Full QWERTY, compact QWERTY, T9)
    - Keyboard gesture control (*Swipe left to access compact keyboards)
    - Keyboard skinning (*Better keyboard full version required)
    - Change keyboard fonts
    - Supports many languages (*Required downloading addition free dictionaries)
    - Number & DPad (*Tap ?123 and then <> key to access)
    - Smart & Auto Dictionary
    - Contact Dictionary (*Disabled by default, enable it in setting)
    - Typing suggestions for hardware keyboard (*Disabled by default, enable it in setting)
    - Proximity QWERTY keyboard correction algorithm (*No need to hit all the keys correctly)
    - User dictionary (*User defined words get higher priority in suggestion)

    Recent changes:
    - Optimized layouts for Tablet size devices
    - A few minor bug fixes

    More Info:
    Download :
    Better Keyboard 8 v8.9 (Unlocked Gingerbread Edition)

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    Sunday, April 10, 2016

    The Ignite Show

    Education needs more advocates.  Students, teachers, and administrators need more advocates.   The Bammy Awards is one such initiative that is attempting to shine a bright light on the many amazing people in the trenches that are doing great things in the field of education.  Thankfully there are others who are beginning to step up as well.  I recently met Anne Ostholthoff at the inaugural Bammy Awards and have seen first-hand the work she is doing to launch the web based The Ignite Show.  Be sure to check out all the highlights and interviews from the Bammy Awards by clicking HERE.

    Annes interest is to raise the level of public awareness and respect of education, and to engage the voices of teachers and students as part of determining the content they feature. She has asked for our help and I hope that you will do the following to assure we are involved in the kick-start of this worthwhile effort.  Just go to the Ignite Show Website to take a look and then click to help contribute thinking to their efforts.  Let’s help The Ignite Show become a resource that brings awareness to our work and the topics that matter most to you!

    Thanks in advance for your help. We all want to move our profession forward, and I believe this effort is working hard to do positive things for us all.
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    Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    The Power of Video

    Students in Mrs. Tambuscio’s World History class culminated a unit on the Holocaust by applying their historical knowledge to the viewing of survivor testimonies.  Students were able to utilize IWitness,  which is a computer-based program created by the USC Shoah Foundation’s Institute for Visual History. This educational tool includes over 1,200 video testimonies of Holocaust and genocide survivors. The program incorporates multimedia activities and digital resources, which allow students to engage in active learning.  

    The learning connects students to the past, engages them in the present, and motivates them to build a better future.  The students were able to learn particular aspects of a survivor’s story, record reflections, and actually create a video utilizing testimony clips and artifacts to tell their impression of a particular survivor’s story.  Using the website, students build the video project into the site, which allows access to each participant, as well as the teacher.  As a result, the classroom teacher and students can comment on each project, which creates a vibrant discourse about students work and each survivor.  

    In September of 2013, interested New Milford High School students will have an opportunity to participate in the IWitness Challenge during the 20th Anniversary of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winning film, Schindler’s List, through the USC Shoah Foundation. The Institute for Visual History and Education is sponsoring the IWitness Video Challenge. The Institute has invited students from all over North America to be inspired by the voices in IWitness, to use their innovation and creativity to create positive value in their communities by doing something ordinary (or extraordinary), and then asks them to build a video telling the story about how they contributed to making their communities a better place.  Interested students will complete the “IWitness Video Challenge” Activity on the IWitness website. The activity challenges them to increase their understanding of digital and media literacy, deepen their critical thinking, and promote positive social change in their community and in the world. 

    The winning video from each region will then move on to the national judging panel.  One national Winner will receive an all-expense-paid trip with one parent or guardian, and his/her teacher, to screen their video as part of the USC Shoah Foundations 20th anniversary activities in Los Angeles, as well as attend the 2014 Annual USC Shoah Foundation Gala as invited guests. If the winning entry is from a team video project, one student representative will need to be selected by the teacher to represent the team in Los Angeles.
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    Saturday, April 2, 2016

    How to Swipe from one message thread to the next

    Gmail for Android swipe between threads Gmail for Android tip: Swipe from one message thread to the nextUnlike the Mail app for iPhone, the official Gmail app for Android phones lacks an obvious way (like, say, a pair of arrow keys on the actual message screen) for navigating from one email directly to the next.
    Given that, I’m guessing plenty of Android users—hey, myself included—have been repeatedly tapping their way back to the inbox whenever they’re done with one message and want to skip to a new one.
    Well, guess what: there’s a much easier way (as I belatedly discovered) to jump directly from one message thread (or “conversation,” as they’re called in Gmail) to the next.
    Just swipe.
    Specifically, you can swipe from left to right to skip to a more recent thread, or from right to left for an older one.
    Pretty clever—so clever, in fact, that I’d completely missed it until now.

    Add tip

    Want to jump automatically to the next message after deleting or archiving the current one?
    Tap the three-dot menu button in the bottom-right corner of the Gmail interface, tap Settings, General Settings, then “Auto-advance.”
    You can then choose what happens when you delete or archive a message: you can advance to a newer message, go back to an older one, or return to the inbox.
    Tips from
    How to Swipe from one message thread to the next
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    Thursday, March 31, 2016

    How to zoom the entire display

    How to zoom the display on your Android phone or iPhone Android/iPhone tip: How to zoom the entire display
    Having a hard time reading the tiny type on your Android or iPhone screen? Believe me, you’re not the only one.

    Springing for a new pair of reading glasses is one solution, or you could always “pinch” to zoom, say, a web page in Safari or Android’s Chrome browser.
    But here’s another idea: by tweaking a key setting, you can zoom the entire display on your iPhone or Android phone, no matter what app you’re using.

    Ready to give it a try? Here we go…
    Zooming the iPhone display 300x233 Android/iPhone tip: How to zoom the entire display
    Want to zoom the entire display on your iPhone? A three-finger tap will do the trick.

    On an iPhone:

    • From your iPhone home screen, tap Settings, General, Accessibility, Zoom, then switch Zoom to “On.” You can also get quick access to the Zoom feature through the Home key.
    • Now double-tap the screen with three fingers at once, and well … zoom!
    • Want to pan around your zoomed-in iPhone display? Just swipe around as your normally would, expect using three fingertips at once rather than just one.
    • You can also adjust the magnification level by double-tapping and holding with three fingers (it’s a “tap” and a “hold,” not a double-tap and then a hold), then dragging your fingertips up (to increase the zoom level) or down (to decrease the magnification).
    • Had enough? Double-tap the screen with three fingers again to make it jump back to the normal view.
    Zooming an Android display 300x229 Android/iPhone tip: How to zoom the entire display
    You can temporarily zoom an Android display with a single-finger triple tap.

    On an Android phone:

    • Tap Settings, then scroll down and tap Accessibility. (Note: These steps will vary depending on the make and model of your Android phone. I tested this tip on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus running on Android version 4.2.1.)
    • Tap “Magnification gestures,” then flip the switch at the top of the screen to “On.”
    • Now, try this: go back to the home screen, then triple-tap the display with one finger. Zoom!
    • Next, pan around the screen with three fingertips on the display at once.
    • Want to boost or reduce the magnification? Pinch the screen with two fingertips.
    • Ready to go back to normal? Triple-tap the display with one finger to turn the magnification off.
    • The latest version of Android will also let you temporarily magnify the display. Just triple-tap and hold, then pan around with your fingertip. The moment you release your finger, the display will revert to normal.


    So, did you lock your iPhone while the display was still magnified, and is the “Slide to unlock” slider somewhere off the screen? Don’t panic.
    Just double-tap the display with three fingers, and the display will instantly un-zoom, revealing the slider again.
    How to zoom the entire display
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    How to Set an “out of office” message with the Gmail app

    Set an out of office message from the Gmail for Android app Android tip: Set an out of office message with the Gmail app 
    So, your bags are packed, you’re in the airport and you’re about to step on a plane heading for someplace warm, and then it hits you: you forgot to activate an “out of office” message for your email account.
    Well, if you’re using Gmail, good news: Gmail for Android just added an auto-responder feature that lets you set up an “out of office” message directly from your Android phone, no PC or Mac required.
    Gmail for Android vacation responder settings 300x204 Android tip: Set an out of office message with the Gmail app
    You can now set an out of office message directly from the (updated) Gmail for Android app.
    Here’s how…
    • First, you’ll need to install the latest version of the Gmail app. Launch the Play Store app, open the sidebar (tap in the top-left corner of the screen) and navigate to the “My apps” section, then tap the green Update All button to install any pending app updates, including (potentially) Gmail.
    • Next, launch Gmail, tap the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner of your screen, tap Settings, then tap the Gmail account for which you’d like to set up an “out of office” message.
    • Tap “Vacation responder,” then enter a starting date, and end date, a subject line (“Gone fishing!”), and a message for anyone who tries to email you during your well deserved break. You can also check the box next to “Send only to my Contacts” if you only want your family, friends and colleagues to know you’re away.
    • Flip on the switch next to “Vacation responder,” tap the Done button, then sit back and relax. 
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    Wednesday, March 30, 2016

    The Impact of Edscape

    This past Saturday (10/19) marked the fourth annual Edscape Conference held at New Milford High School in NJ.  The idea for this event evolved from a dire need to fill a void in the type of innovative learning experiences that educators were craving.  As a result, a partnership between Teq and New Milford HS was formed to provide a cost-effective, meaningful learning experience for attendees.   Attendees could take ideas and strategies presented during hour long sessions and implement them immediately upon return to their schools and districts.  Each year hundreds of educators from across the country descend upon my school to take part in Edscape in what I hope will be one of the best learning experiences of their year.  I realize this is a lofty goal, but if I am to ask fellow colleagues, educators, and friends to give up time with their families on a Saturday and travel great distances then I had better be able to deliver. Based upon early feedback it seems like we did.

    One of the tenants of the Edscape Conference is the focus on the work of practitioners. The selection of the keynote, as well as the majority of the sessions, places an emphasis on innovative work taking place in schools across the country and beyond. It is my feeling that in a time when the national rhetoric is quite negative towards education, nothing is more inspiring and uplifting than focusing on the innovative and impactful work being done by passionate educators.  My only regret with Edscape is that I did not get to sit in on any sessions or engage attendees in as many conversations that I would have liked.  I guess this comes with the territory when hosting a conference at your school.  However, I have been digesting feedback that I have received either through email, in person, or the #Edscape hashtag and would just like to point out a few highlights from the event.  Below are some identifiable characteristics that I believe portray the success and impact of Edscape:

    • NMHS Students – I could not have been more proud of my students and how they represented my school.  Attendee after attendee commented how helpful, respectful, and enthusiastic they were.   Next year I will look for even more ways to get my students involved with Edscape.
    • The Learning – Edscape is all about professional learning.  This occurred during sessions, over conversations in lunch, in the hallways between sessions, and afterwards at the networking reception held at Jersey Boys Grill.  Each session focused on applicable takeaways that educators could implement upon their return to their schools. What was even more powerful though was the learning that took place during conversations on professional practice and through the connections that were made throughout the day. Many attendees expressed the need to a two-day conference going forward as there were too many quality sessions that they wanted to attend. You can check out all of the sessions that were offered HERE.
    • Facility – I love my school building and numerous attendees echoed this. The original building where the majority of the sessions were held was built in 1928 and you can see that from the architecture.  We continue to work on transforming learning spaces with the money that we have. At NMHS we had adequate technology available, charging stations that our students regularly use, and superior WiFi (ask any attendee).  At our max we had over 650 devices connected to the open WiFi and not one issue. There were so many complimentary comments about the charging stations, WiFi, grounds, mission statements visible in classrooms, student work displayed on walls, and the larger television that streams announcements when you enter the school.  I feel a school is the best place to engage educators in professional learning.
    • Attendees – There were close to 400 educators from 11 different states (NJ, RI, NY, CT, PA, MD, AR, MO, OH, VA, TX) as well as Canada. Numerous stakeholder groups were represented such as teachers, assistant principals, principals, curriculum directors, assistant superintendents, board of education members, parents, and members of the NJ Department of Education.  I am humbled by the fact that so many attendees and presenters traveled great distances to be at Edscape.  What was even rewarding was seeing everyone learning side by side to improve their practices and move the profession forward.
    • Global Impact – The keynote by George Couros as well as the Connected Educator panel was streamed live by Teachercast and viewed by over 500 people worldwide.  If you have not viewed his keynote you can see a recording of it HERE.  The #Edscape hashtag was trending #1 throughout the day on Twitter.  

    Edscape has and always will be a labor of love for me.  The excitement, passion, and innovative work I witness each year are the catalysts needed for change in my opinion.  Edscape is not a revolutionary event in itself.  It is the ideas and strategies that educators take with them from the event and eventually implement that have the capacity to be revolutionary.  On a side note I can’t thank George Couros enough for delivering a keynote that made attendees, laugh, cry, and think.  Spending time with him at the Jets game yesterday and introducing him to tailgating was an added bonus. 

    Lastly, thanks to all of YOU that inspire me each day to put on Edscape. On that note I would love to hear what your major takeaways were from the event this past Saturday.  What did we do right and what can we improve? Feel free to leave a link to your Edscape reflection in the comments if you have or plan to write one.  Planning for Edscape 2014 for next October is now under way so mark your calendars for Saturday 10/18/14.  We will soon be setting a date and then select a keynote (suggestions appreciated).  The call for proposals will go out in the spring so stay tuned. If you have any leads on sponsors for next year feel free to secure them on my behalf or send me an email. 

    Be the change that you wish to see in education!

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    Thursday, March 10, 2016

    The Capstone Experience

    One of our guiding beliefs here at New Milford High School is that our students will find purpose and meaning in their respective learning experiences.  Over the years we have added a series of new courses (19 in just two years), re-written the curriculum of existing courses, made available online courses as part of the VHS Collaborative, and developed numerous authentic learning experiences focusing on the unique interests of our learners.  All of these components have become critical elements of the Academies at New Milford High School.  As a result of these changes and the creation of the Academies, we have seen increases in academic achievement, graduation rates, and acceptances to four-year colleges.

    Earlier this month I shared the Independent Open CourseWare Study (IOCS) project on this blog.   The IOCS project empowered our students to follow their learning passions and actively demonstrate new knowledge that was acquired.   We wanted students to have the freedom to learn about anything they were interested in using content from some of the most prestigious universities in the country while also unleashing their creativity.  In addition to this project, a book study on the Alchemist, and numerous off-campus field trips, Academy students develop a capstone project as a culminating experience.  This provides each student the opportunity to describe where he or she has been and where he or she is headed.

    The final product has to be presented in a digital format and must be reflective of the theme “where I have been and where I am headed” or reflective of “your personal journey” in an authentic application.  Basically, students need to explain their personal/academic journey thus far and describe their goals: academically, personally and/or professionally.  No matter the creative avenue students’ choose to pursue (songs, poems, dramatic interpretations, artistic renderings etc.); the essential criteria must still be met.   This includes the following:

    • Must make direct reference to essential learnings throughout your NMHS coursework, which have influenced who you are and your aspirations.  Tell the viewer what NMHS has taught you about yourself and life. 
    • Must include legal (school) name and graduation year within the body of the presentation.  
    • Must have an academic focus but can still include sports, arts, clubs, service etc.  
    • Must include things you would like to do, learn, understand, see, improve, create or experience.
    • Must capture the attention of the audience (teachers, administrators, peers).
    • Must be original and make references to sources where appropriate (background music, art work, quotations, etc.)
    • Must make direct mention of NMHS in some way, via symbols or direct reference.  
    • Must make direct mention of major Academy designation, via symbol, crest or direct reference. 
    • Must make direct reference to any endorsement that may be sought.   
    • Must offer evidence of any of the 21St Century Skills acquired: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, media literacy, technological proficiency, global awareness, and preparation for college, careers and life.  Label essential elements for clarity of scoring.  Don’t make us guess what the images, symbols or people represent.  
    • Must reflect interests and personality.   
    Below is an example of one of the more creative capstone projects by senior Tariq Khan:

    The capstone experience provides our students with an opportunity to tie together social, emotional, family, and learning experiences in a creative way to share their personal journey.  This exposition of learning not only allows them to reflect upon their time at NMHS, but also provides us with a glimpse as to what we re doing well and where we can improve as a school.  

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    Wednesday, March 9, 2016

    3G Watchdog Pro v1 5 0 android apk apps

    3G Watchdog Pro v1.5.0 for Android
    3G Watchdog Pro. Guarding you against costly internet overages.
    3G Watchdog Pro v1.5.0

    Pro version of 3G Watchdog mobile data counter / monitoring app, featuring:
    * Advanced data usage prediction
    * Billing rules (counts in blocks, ignores uploads)
    * Usage history with graph & CSV export
    * Usage by application (Android 2.2+, unavailable on Dell Streak)
    * 5 widget styles
    * Backup/restore
    * Redesigned UI
    * Account/SIM with auto switch
    * Import settings & data from 3GW free (dont uninstall 3GW free before importing!)
    * ... and more!

    * Reported as not working on ZTE Blade (unless proven otherwise)
    * Usage by application may be more or less inaccurate depending on the phone and application.

    Whats in this version:
    New settings to change language and first day of week (in section "Misc").
    Usage graph:
    Better prevention of overlaps.
    More readable (larger font) in landscape mode.
    Notification icon alerts on day usage.
    New database repair function (in main screen Menu).
    Improved usage manual assignment (distribute usage over days).
    Improved import from 3GW free (create week & month histories from Day history).
    Option to hide usage bar in widgets.
    Updated FAQs.
    Bug fixes.

    More Info:

    Download :
    3G Watchdog Pro v1.5.0

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    Tuesday, March 8, 2016

    New APK Market iMarketApk » The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0 413

    The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413

    Requirements [New] APK Market iMarketApk » The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413 [Torrent Modded apk] Free APK are available on every other topic you can think of in both fiction and non-fiction of. There are free Android APK available for adults and children and even between and teenagers. It may seem overwhelming to find and download [android apk] Hack no survey [New] APK Market iMarketApk » The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413 ҩ MOD but with the steps below youll be just minutes away from getting APK.: 2.3 + - Overview about The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413

    Full Download MOd [New] APK Market iMarketApk » The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413 and Torrent Link

    : The Hinterlands is the best multiplayer mining, building, crafting, and exploring game!

    Mine the world for resources, build great structures, harvest plants, trees and mobs, all with friends or random players!

    ★ Multiplayer Modes ★

    The HinterLands was started and built specifically for mobile devices, with a heavy emphasis on multiplayer.

    You have more options than ANY other mining game on the market:

    • Play multiplayer over wifi/LAN

    • Use Google Play services to play with friends remotely, or random players

    • Join a PC server and play with tons of people

    • Or play locally with bluetooth!

    The HinterLands was the FIRST (early 2013) multiplayer 2d mining sandbox game on the market, and was released early in alpha to encourage people to contribute to development, since there was nothing similar on the market. Since then it has grown a ton, and keeps growing thanks to player feedback!

    ★ Features ★

    • Fight mobs with fast combo attacks, or slow strong attacks, blocking, or turn off hostile mobs, go into creative mode, it’s all your choice!

    • Build structures using tons of blocks and items!

    • Farm mobs for resources, or destroy them for food to regain health, and stop hunger

    • Harvest trees and plants for food, potions, or seeds to replant and grow your own forests

    ★ Features Coming Soon ★

    • Redesigned UI: easier inventory system, more advanced item, armor and weapon crafting system, equippable armor and clothes, and quests

    • Bosses, more mobs, and more biomes

    ★ Planned features ★

    • Player vs. Player: Free for all, capture the flag, team oriented with different classes, tower defense with creeps and towers

    • NPC’s: Characters to give you quests, buy and trade items

    • Pets: Animals to join you on quests and in combat

    • Level editor: Submit levels for public servers!

    • Character leveling and skills: customize your character for your playstyle. Create a invincible tank, a stealthy rogue, or a powerful mage

    • Farming: Domesticate mobs, take care of them in your barn and breed them! Grow crops for creating potions, money or aid in exploring

    ★ Instructions ★

    • Customize and create your player and world

    • Play single player, wifi game, Google Play services, bluetooth, or join a public server

    • Mine dirt, stone, ect with the pickaxe. Chop trees and items with the axe. Use the hammer to break down backgrounds or items

    • Use the fast attack button to combo attacks on mobs. Use the strong attack for higher damage. Use the shield to become invincible

    • Pinch to zoom in / out of the world; open your inventory and pinch to increase / decrease button size. Customize your buttons in the game under settings ->controls. Move items by holding them down for 1s, or split stacks by holding down longer

    • Build amazing structures, upgrade your tools, and share on our facebook page! Download Url

    • More instructions on the wiki: Download Url

    ★ PAID VERSION: If you do decide you want to help by buying the paid version, you get a BACKERS REWARD item for all new characters that you can use to teleport to and from your spawn point

    ★ Bugs ★

    • World format: needs to be changed, to optimize network, allow boss areas/ scripting, and allow more biomes+bigger worlds

    • Lighting system was too slow, so has been cut down and needs to be redone

    • Multiplayer movement needs to be changed to look smoother

    The game is still in alpha, because there is so much still that we want to add. There are only 2 of us working on it, but we appreciate everyone who plays the game, helps contribute by finding bugs, adding ideas, suggestions and feedback

    Join the forums: Download Url

    Please leave a 5 star review, and be a part of helping an indie game grow! Let us know what you want added first!

    Whats New


    •Added back in bluetooth

    •Bug fixes/improvements


    •Mini update to track crashes better

    +lots of small updates for bug fixes


    •Fixed major bug causing crashes on new installs


    •Optimized menu system +added for support undershirt and shoes coloring

    • More parkour animations and changed physics

    • Emoticons and teams to chat UI

    • Death descriptions in chat

    • Bugfixes: Enemy attack problem, game controller crash, nav bar over UI on some tablets,ect

    Download Url

    More Info The HinterLands Mining Game HD v0.413

    You can directly download the apk file with torent modded or just in iMarketApk

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    Download Instructions:

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    Sunday, March 6, 2016

    The Meaning of Valentines Day

    I know I have said this before, but I really love my job.  I love my job mainly because of the students and staff that I am blessed to work side by side with each day at New Milford High School.  This morning Doreen Zacher, my Student Assistance Counselor (S.A.C.) demanded that I stop what I was doing to listen to an example of how great our students are. Her story moved me so much that I demanded in turn that she write it up for me so that I could share this wonderful example of character embodied by our students.  In education we work so hard to teach our students important life lessons that focus on the respect and caring for others.  Based on the summary below it looks like our commitment to creating and supporting such a culture is paying off. I hope you all enjoy this guest post by Doreen as much as I did.

    Image credit:

    It seems in our society that Valentine’s Day has turned into a manufactured holiday.  If one does not receive roses, a present or a card they may think they are not loved.  Today, I was able to experience the true meaning of unconditional love by strangers. A young middle school student was very upset because she felt as if none of her friends would recognize her and offer her a Valentine’s card.  Her emotions were so intense that her tears ran freely from her eyes.  When I received notification of this, I realized the true meaning of Valentines Day.  I purchased a card and asked high school students to sign it for the young girl who felt alone today.  Within minutes I had multiple signatures and well wishes on this card.  Even though they were strangers to this young girl, they felt a connection.  Everyone, one time in their life has felt alone. Before I knew it, the New Milford High School students made a care package for her full of cookies, candy and snacks.  They went the extra mile just to offer their support to this young girl that they never met or even knew.

    When the package was dropped off at her school,  she read the card and saw all of the goodies, her face lit up like a Christmas Tree.  She felt the support and love from strangers, but from this day forward the high school students will be her support.  As a result of this experience, I have learned the  true meaning of Valentine’s Day, treat others with the love and respect and you can change the life of a stranger. 
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    Friday, March 4, 2016

    Going to the movies with Passbook

    Going to the movies with Passbook for iPhone iPhone tip: Going to the movies with PassbookIt’s been about eight months since Apple’s Passbook app made its debut on the iPhone—and like many of you, I’m guessing, I opened Passbook exactly once, looked at it for about 30 seconds, and promptly forgot about it.
    But after a recent (and quasi-accidental) Passbook-assisted trip to the movies, my interest is suddenly piqued.
    Passbook, as you may recall, is basically a digital wallet that lets you store concert tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, boarding passes, and more, all in a single iPhone app.
    List of Passbook apps on iPhone 268x300 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
    The list of Passbook-friendly apps is limited, but (slowly) growing.
    Well, not all your tickets and coupons, unfortunately. One of the biggest limitations of Passbook is that it only works with Passbook-supported iPhone apps, of which there were only 10 or so when Passbook launched last fall.
    The Passbook app situation has improved somewhat in the past several months; there are now more than 30 Passbook-friendly apps, ranging from American Airlines and United to Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks.
    Still, I hadn’t bothered to fiddle with Passbook again until just a few days ago, as my wife and I were heading to the movies.
    We’d decided to stop for coffee and I figured I’d go ahead and buy the tickets (for “Before Midnight”—loved it, but whoa) while we were sitting at the counter.
    iPhone Passbook banner 300x214 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
    Have a movie ticket stored in Passbook? When you approach the theater, a banner will appear on your iPhone’s screen; just swipe it to access your tickets.
    I opened the Fandango movie app, bought our tickets, and was about to slip my iPhone back in my pocket when I noticed an “Add this ticket to Passbook” button. What the heck, I figured.
    I tapped the button, opened Passbook (you’ll find the Passbook app on one of your iPhone home screens, provided you’ve updated your handset to the latest iOS 6 software), and a digital ticket for our movie slid into view, complete with theater details and a QR code.
    So far, so good—but I was even more impressed when a banner that read “Fandango: Nearby” flashed on my iPhone’s lock screen as we arrived at the theater.
    iPhone Passbook card details 229x300 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
    Tap the little “i” in the bottom corner of a Passbook card to see details and notification settings for your ticket or coupon.
    Approaching the box office, I swiped the Fandango banner on my iPhone, and our tickets appeared on the screen.
    The usher pulled out a handheld scanner, “dinged” the QR code on my iPhone’s display, and that was that. Easy.
    Now, just to be clear, you can’t buy tickets at every movie theater with Fandango—and for that matter, Passbook won’t do you much good if you’re shopping at Walmart (although Target has a Passbook-ready app), nor will it help with daily deals at Rite Aid (but Walgreens is a go).
    That said, I was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly and efficiently Passbook works when it’s in its element—and indeed, I used Passbook again a couple of days later for another movie night (“Star Trek Into Darkness”—loud, lots of punching).
    So, got questions about Passbook, or a Passbook story you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

    Bonus tips

    • You can change the notification settings for your individual Passbook items by tapping the little “i” icon in the bottom corner of the digital card.
    • The settings screen also displays the venue’s location, as well as instructions on how to redeem your ticket or coupon.
    • Also: Want to see the current list of Passbook-compatible apps? Just open Passbook, then tap the “Apps for Passbook” button on the Welcome card.
    Going to the movies with Passbook
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    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    The People and Moments That Define Us

    I knew early on in my education career that I wanted to be an administrator. The predominant reason for this was that I wanted to at least attempt to be a fraction of the leader that my father was.  My father was an elementary principal for 30 years and I always admired how he was able to inspire his staff to focus on student learning. To say that he was beloved by all would be a significant understatement.  He also consistently did those little things (dressing up for Halloween, cooking breakfast for his staff) that on the surface don’t seem like a big deal, but meant so much to his staff and students. His calm and collective nature allowed him to effectively deal with adverse situations. To this day I still go to my father for advice. To sum it up, he was the total package as an administrator.  

    Image Credit:

    My second reason for wanting to become an administrator early on in my career stemmed from the fact that I wanted to help as many students as possible.  As a classroom teacher I felt that my impact was limited based on the number of students I had contact with on a daily basis.  But through my position as a science teacher, a coach (football, ice hockey, lacrosse), and environmental club advisor I was able to impact and influence a large number of students. However, in a school of close to 2000 learners I felt that I could do more.  Due to the influence of my father and a passion to help as many students as possible succeed, I ventured into the world of educational administration in 2004.

    Obviously my journey continues.  After having assumed the duties of both athletic director and vice principal at New Milford High School I became the principal in 2007. It was at this point that I saw one of my dreams fulfilled, as I was finally about to walk in the footsteps of my father.  As a young principal I made many mistakes in my early years.  Heck, I still make many mistakes. But I learned from a mentor early on that making mistakes is okay; just dont make the same mistake twice.  It was at this point that I began to take more risks to create a better teaching and learning culture at NMHS.   

    Up until this point in my career I would say that I followed the traditional playbook for school leaders.  If I was graded I would have probably received an A for running my school where strict rules had to be followed by students, mobile devices banned, and all social media blocked.  I did a great job maintaining the status quo, which was a school culture that prepared students for a workforce that no longer existed.  This is how both observers and myself measured my effectiveness.  I thought, and was told, that I was doing a great job, but what did I know.  Obviously, not much at the time. 

    It was then in 2009 that I possibly took the greatest risk of my young administrative career.  After reading an article in the local Sunday paper on Twitter I decided to step outside my comfort zone, disregard the perception that I had, and began to use social media as a leadership tool. What began as just a way to communicate better with my stakeholders evolved into something that I never imagined.  Once in the space that social media provided, I began to lurk and learn.  It was at this point that I discovered the error and ignorance of my ways.  What I lacked was education on how all aspects of technology could be used to enhance learning.  Individuals who I had never met face to face not only challenged my thinking, but ultimately saved my professional career.  If it were not for my Personal Learning Network (PLN) I might have never changed. Without this change I would still to this day be leading a school down a path of irrelevance.  My greatest leadership asset was born from a space that I swore I would never venture into.  Talk about a game changing moment!

    We all have those people and moments that help define our careers.  For me each has helped influence my learning while providing me with the insight, tools, support, and feedback needed to become a better leader.  New Milford High School has become a better institution for learning and innovation.  By giving up control, trusting my students and staff, and evolving into a lead learning we continue to transform our school in ways that will better prepare our students for success in today’s society.  I hope that one day my career is defined by the shifts, changes, and ultimate transformation that continue to occur at my school.  

    I will be forever thankful to the many people that have supported me up to this point and have provided me priceless guidance over the years.  It is a humbling time for me as I walk around the halls of NMHS and see how far we have come while anticipating the work that still needs to be done.  Just as significant is my growth as a leader, which in many aspects is a testament to the educators from across the globe that I now lean on day in and day out.  This has led to another significant moment of my career, which is the release of my first solo book (Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times).  I look at it as sort of a a natural product of the ongoing changes in my professional career. It represents a culmination of OUR journey together.  My hope is that this book will make a difference in the work of other leaders and those that aspire to lead. Regardless I will continue to learn from people and discover those moments that will be catalysts for further professional growth and improvement.

    Who are the people and what moments have defined you as an educator and/or leader?

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