Showing posts with label mengenal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mengenal. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2016

Devices Need to Support Learning

So yesterday as I was scanning the #NJED hash tag on TweetDeck I came across this intriguing image shared by Mike Marotta.  It really puts into perspective why we make many of the decisions that we do at New Milford High School as to why we decided to implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative and dont mandate the use of one specific tool to support learning.

His tweet contained this message, "Dont let the device drive instruction. Let it support learning."  When it comes to educational technology I often get the feeling that the learning is often secondary.  Using technology just for the sake of using it equates to a huge waste of instructional time that could be dedicated to deep, meaningful learning. It also equates into a huge wast of money.  All to often I have seen schools put interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in every classroom or go 1:1 with very little focus on learning. 

The key is to determine what we want our students to know and let them have a choice as to how they will demonstrate and/or apply their learning.  At NMHS we place a great deal of emphasis on creating artifacts to demonstrate conceptual mastery. Technology can become a nice pedagogical fit when viewed this way.  Our motto is pedagogy first, technology second if appropriate when integrating mobile learning devices.  Another image created by my friend Bill Ferriter puts into perspective the importance of establishing learning outcomes when integrating technology as part of the teaching and learning process.

Image credit: Bill Ferriter

When it comes to technology we must always ask ourselves how will this tool support learning and allow students to demonstrate conceptual mastery. There must be more of a concerted focus on learning outcomes, construction of new knowledge leading to authentic application, and the development/enhancement of essential skills (creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, digital citizenship, entrepreneurship, media literacy, technological proficiency, communication, collaboration).  The assessment and feedback pieces are also critical. Now let me attempt to tie this back to the first image contained in this post. Technology can be a powerful learning tool if we dont focus on the one marker, but instead what we want our students to be able to do with their choice of makers to support and demonstrate learning. I welcome your thoughts on this.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

BYOD Begins With Trust and Respect

I have written extensively over the past couple of years about our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative at New Milford High School at the Huffington Post and on my own blog.  It has been interesting to look back at all my blog posts to see how far we have come with BYOD at NMHS.  My first ever post on the topic just provided a small glimpse at the possibilities inherent when students are empowered to use the technology that they already posses to enhance their learning experience.

Image credit:

It was our desire and quest to create a school culture and learning environments that were more reminiscent of the real world that our learners would soon be a part of that drove change in this area. When I reflect upon how the program has evolved into its current state I cannot help but to think about the most important change that was made recently.  It was during the summer that Ron Watson, the NM District IT Director, and I met to discuss the future of BYOD at NMHS. Up until this point we had students sign off on a paper guideline sheet after which I created a username and password for them to access the secure guest network.  This information was then passed on to Ron and each student that filled out the form was granted access.  There is no doubt in my mind that this process limited the amount of students who opted to bring their own mobile learning devices to school. I cant thank Ron enough for putting students first! Speaking of Ron, he just informed me that we had 460 unique devices connect to our guest Internet network yesterday (535 for the week) at my school. This is fairly significant as we only have 650 students and 53 staff members.  Take a look at the traffic at each access point below.

After critically analyzing our process and the culture of NMHS it was decided to change how we went about allowing students to access the Internet.  We decided to trash the old process reliant on paper and emails by replacing it with a seamless alternative that empowered students to want to bring their mobile devices to school.  This week I revealed these changes to our students.  While encouraging them to bring in their tools I explained that they could now access the Internet immediately with their current passwords and usernames that they have used to log onto school computers during their entire NMHS careers.  All they had to do now was bring in their device, select the guest network, enter their username/password, and check the box to agree to the terms of use. Then wallah, they would be connected to the Internet. Below is the terms that each student now has to agree to in order to access the Internet:

NMHS students and parents/guardians fully acknowledge that use of a personal device on the premises of New Milford High School is subject to all guidelines, rules and regulations governing acceptable use as established by the New Milford Public Schools Board of Education, Policy #2361 and Regulation R2361.  It is further understood that use of a personal device is restricted to those activities as required or related to the students program of study and any use otherwise may be subject to disciplinary action including loss of device use privileges. Students WILL NOT access websites with inappropriate content using a 3G or 4G connection. Students and parents understand/agree that New Milford High School is NOT responsible for any damage or theft that may occur to the laptop while on school property. 
By logging into the New Milford wireless network, they are accepting the terms of the New Milford Student Responsible Use Guidelines. Once on the New Milford wireless network all users will have filtered Internet access just as they would on a district-owned device. 

Our BYOD initiative at NMHS has succeeded and grown up to this point based on the basic premise of trust and respect.  Yes, we have policies in place, the right infrastructure, and support our teachers with professional development and guidance. However, the most important elements stem from the fact that we trust our students to use their devices as tools for learning, enhanced productivity, and to conduct better research.  Time is spent working with them on digital citizenship and the creation of positive digital footprints that they can be proud of.  We also respect them as learners growing up in the digital age where these tools are playing a greater role in the world we are preparing them to succeed in.  When creating a BYOD initiative grounded in these principles the possibilities are endless.

What do you think are the keys to a successful BYOD initiative?
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Sensible Learning

Social Media is bad and has no place in education. It is a distraction to the teaching and learning process. If students are allowed to use social media in school they will stay off task or exhibit inappropriate behavior. Worse, teachers will spend countless hours “socializing” instead of educating. This is the misguided stigma that social media carries and, as a result, it is often banned in schools. However, there are a growing number of passionate educators who have embraced social media as a powerful tool for learning. When you look at how reliant the world is when it comes to social media use these educators look like geniuses.  Take a peak at the video below.

One must get past the stigma and truly experience what this free resource can do for our schools and students to appreciate its inherent value. Social media is all about conversations that center around user-created content. When structured in a pedagogically sound fashion, learning activities that incorporate social media allow students to apply what they have learned through creation. This fosters higher-order thinking skills and caters to a wide range of learning styles. Social media tools allow educators to authentically engage students as they encourage involvement, discussion, communication, collaboration, and creativity. These include mainstream examples such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, as well as, specialized ones such as Voicethread, Glogster, Animoto, and Prezi.

Blogs are an incredible social media tool that can be utilized in a variety of ways.  Teachers can set up a class blog to foster creative writing and reflection, or as an alternative to a school newspaper.  Blogs are not isolated to just writing, students can add rich media to posts such as pictures, videos, widgets, and gadgets.  The Holocaust Study Tour blog created by a New Milford High School teacher and her students who travel abroad to Europe on an annual Holocaust Study Tour provides is a great example. School administrators can use blogs as a powerful public relations tool in lieu of traditional newsletters and email blasts.  The ability to comment on any blog increases both student and community engagement.  

In our digital journalism class students are required to have their own Twitter accounts.  They are then empowered by the teacher to promote their articles and tweet out real-time school news as it happens.  This class provides our students with experience using real-world tools that journalists rely on more than ever.  It also teaches them about how social media can be used responsibly, to support learning, and as a professional tool.

For our students that have grown up in the digital age learning needs to be relevant, meaningful, and fun. Allowing them to use social media tools to achieve learning goals and objectives, of which they already are familiar with outside of school, makes sense in the globally connected, digital world we are all a part of. This, in my opinion, constitutes sensible learning.  A shift towards incorporating social media into education provides a golden opportunity to teach digital responsibility and citizenship to our learners, an area where many schools are failing. When doing so, we must ensure that policies are in line with this change, teachers are supported through professional development on how to effectively use social media in the classroom, and parents are educated on its value.

All of this makes sense to me as an educator, parent, and citizen. What about you?

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

New APK Market iMarketApk » Religion Simulator God Games v8 0 Mod

Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod

Requirements [New] APK Market iMarketApk » Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod [Torrent Modded apk] Free APK are available on every other topic you can think of in both fiction and non-fiction of. There are free Android APK available for adults and children and even between and teenagers. It may seem overwhelming to find and download [android apk] Hack no survey [New] APK Market iMarketApk » Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod ҩ MOD but with the steps below youll be just minutes away from getting APK.: 2.3+ - Overview about Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod

Full Download MOd [New] APK Market iMarketApk » Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod and Torrent Link

: Religion Simulator is a unique strategy game. It gives you an opportunity to build your own religion and decide about its structure and philosophy.

The game consists of two elements:

1. THE GLOBE - You develop your religion on the globe, where you need to take over tiles by adding expansions, temples and other buildings. The more tiles belong to your religion, the more gold you receive and your religion becomes stronger. When making decisions you need to take into account various aspects like population, education and wealth. There are other religions on the globe and your goal is to dominate the world! You can also use various weapons like bombs and thunderstorms to destroy your opponents, but the most important strategy is to give the right directions for expansion.

2. DECISION TREE - Philosophy is the base of each religion. In Religion Simulator you can decide about the relation between Believers and God. You can choose which elements of religion are the most important - faith, publicity, knowledge or happiness. Build your own belief systems and reach a wider audience. Decide about restrictions, laws and forms of punishment.

This game has:

- Unique idea and approach

- Philosophical and sociological aspects

- Wide range of difficulty levels

- Addictive gameplay

There are many ways to dominate the world! What is yours?

Whats in this version :

Added new achievements.

More Info Religion Simulator - God Games v8.0 + Mod

You can directly download the apk file with torent modded or just in iMarketApk

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Going to the movies with Passbook

Going to the movies with Passbook for iPhone iPhone tip: Going to the movies with PassbookIt’s been about eight months since Apple’s Passbook app made its debut on the iPhone—and like many of you, I’m guessing, I opened Passbook exactly once, looked at it for about 30 seconds, and promptly forgot about it.
But after a recent (and quasi-accidental) Passbook-assisted trip to the movies, my interest is suddenly piqued.
Passbook, as you may recall, is basically a digital wallet that lets you store concert tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, boarding passes, and more, all in a single iPhone app.
List of Passbook apps on iPhone 268x300 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
The list of Passbook-friendly apps is limited, but (slowly) growing.
Well, not all your tickets and coupons, unfortunately. One of the biggest limitations of Passbook is that it only works with Passbook-supported iPhone apps, of which there were only 10 or so when Passbook launched last fall.
The Passbook app situation has improved somewhat in the past several months; there are now more than 30 Passbook-friendly apps, ranging from American Airlines and United to Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks.
Still, I hadn’t bothered to fiddle with Passbook again until just a few days ago, as my wife and I were heading to the movies.
We’d decided to stop for coffee and I figured I’d go ahead and buy the tickets (for “Before Midnight”—loved it, but whoa) while we were sitting at the counter.
iPhone Passbook banner 300x214 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
Have a movie ticket stored in Passbook? When you approach the theater, a banner will appear on your iPhone’s screen; just swipe it to access your tickets.
I opened the Fandango movie app, bought our tickets, and was about to slip my iPhone back in my pocket when I noticed an “Add this ticket to Passbook” button. What the heck, I figured.
I tapped the button, opened Passbook (you’ll find the Passbook app on one of your iPhone home screens, provided you’ve updated your handset to the latest iOS 6 software), and a digital ticket for our movie slid into view, complete with theater details and a QR code.
So far, so good—but I was even more impressed when a banner that read “Fandango: Nearby” flashed on my iPhone’s lock screen as we arrived at the theater.
iPhone Passbook card details 229x300 iPhone tip: Going to the movies with Passbook
Tap the little “i” in the bottom corner of a Passbook card to see details and notification settings for your ticket or coupon.
Approaching the box office, I swiped the Fandango banner on my iPhone, and our tickets appeared on the screen.
The usher pulled out a handheld scanner, “dinged” the QR code on my iPhone’s display, and that was that. Easy.
Now, just to be clear, you can’t buy tickets at every movie theater with Fandango—and for that matter, Passbook won’t do you much good if you’re shopping at Walmart (although Target has a Passbook-ready app), nor will it help with daily deals at Rite Aid (but Walgreens is a go).
That said, I was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly and efficiently Passbook works when it’s in its element—and indeed, I used Passbook again a couple of days later for another movie night (“Star Trek Into Darkness”—loud, lots of punching).
So, got questions about Passbook, or a Passbook story you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Bonus tips

  • You can change the notification settings for your individual Passbook items by tapping the little “i” icon in the bottom corner of the digital card.
  • The settings screen also displays the venue’s location, as well as instructions on how to redeem your ticket or coupon.
  • Also: Want to see the current list of Passbook-compatible apps? Just open Passbook, then tap the “Apps for Passbook” button on the Welcome card.
Going to the movies with Passbook
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

SPB Shell 3D v1 2 android apk home screen

SPB Shell 3D update v1.2
SPB Shell 3D v1.2

SPB Shell 3D has been updated again this week, tossing in a number of oft-requested features.
Aside from general improvements in settings and general design, v1.2 now includes a bookmarks folder, a better contacts widget, and 3D edit mode. SPB also tosses in a couple of experimental features in with the ability to toggle smartphone and tablet modes as well as a stereoscopic 3D mode.

Version 1.2 (Jul 26, 2011):
Landscape support (Home settings->Appearance)
3D edit mode
Multiple cities in weather
Stereoscopic 3D (experimental)
Switch between smartphone/tablet mode
Improved settings
Improved calendar panel
Improved overall design
Performance optimization
Bookmarks folder
3D call log
Folder selection for gallery widgets
Improved contact widgets management

If you havent had a chance to check out SPB Shell 3D,nows your chance. The app runs $14.95 and works on any Android device with 2.1-2.3.3. Before you balk at that price tag, consider the 4-star rating (12,342) and nearly 1 million installs. Since it works on top of stock Android, Sense UI, and any other skin, this guy is definitely worth the money!

Instal SPB Shell 3D v1.2 from :
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Saturday, February 13, 2016

SPB Shell 3D v1 2 1 for Android 2 1 2 3 3 Rooted

SPB Shell 3D v1.2.1
Requirements: Android 2.1 - 2.3.3 (Rooted)
SPB Shell 3D: next generation user interface.

SPB Shell 3D v1.2.1

If you are not able to launch SPB Shell 3D, please use "Home Switcher" application from Android Market.
Next generation user interface. Enjoy your phone!
To launch SPB Shell 3D press the Home button once installation is completed.

3D Home screen/launcher
Smart folders
3D widgets
Collection of panels and widgets

Check out our FAQ here:
If you are not able to download purchased application please check that your order wasnt declined by Google Checkout. You can check your order state at "".

Release notes:
This is not a cracked release, you can look at it as a distribution. 8)
I found some more info on getting this application to work, either or neither you purchased it. The only thing is a rooted phone is a must.

Open any Terminal app, and after installing (but not opening) the app:
pm disable com.spb.shell3d/

To re-enable the app if it has disabled itself due to licensing:
pm enable com.spb.shell3d/
best way to use this app just freeze market app by titanium backup
I am not responsible for stuff like its not working, or something else that will happen. Dont kill the messenger.

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Download :
SPB Shell 3D v1.2.1

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